2 kinds of loneliness: why we feel alone in a crowd
(Art by Lorenzo Bosi) I have a theory that there are 2 kinds of loneliness. I know this is false because any kind of binary is...
The "Self-Love Myth" is Bullshit
I recently came back from a trip to Colombia with a friend from there. Watching people make plans, reach out, talk about big feelings,...
My childhood was normal + fine so I shouldn't feel like something's wrong with me
I hear this all the time and have 2 things to say right out of the gate. "normal" and "shouldn't" Normal. Our childhood is always our...
It's not Karma. You just stepped in shit. Period.
On Sunday I stepped in dog shit. This was after someone left me high and dry owing $800. And after my transmission broke and I found...
The question Gloria Macarenko asked that stumped me (even though I knew she would ask me)
Speaking to the wonderful Gloria Macarenko on CBC in an interview on play, I got stumped. Gloria: This city is expensive. What do you say...
Should we really fake it till we make it? Amy Cuddy's TED talk
"Your body language shapes who you are." Amy Cuddy presents one of my favourite TED talks. She talks about sticking your arms in the air...
Emotional Correctness Over Being PC
Words are important. The words we choose have an impact on others and the culture we are creating. Words aren't everything. They are the...
Mr. Rogers + Marina Abramovic: the radical act of slowing down
What drew people to Mr. Rogers even though he always seemed ridiculously slow to me? Why were people transformed and moved to tears when...
Why we might be scared of clowns, or anyone for that matter.
I just read an article in GQ (?!) entitled "Look, Man, You're Not Actually Scared of Clowns," which has got me to again revisit this...
Be Creative! Why this order doesn't work
"'Being creative' is not something beyond us, nor do we have to become it. "Creative" is an idea that compartmentalizes and limits our...
Maybe things are perfect and the problem with affirmations
I had a theatre teacher who, with a giant smile, would say, "perfect!" at the end of just about everything, even when it appeared obvious...
weird but not too weird
I am slowly migrating all three of my websites into one. I believe I created each one of them in the hopes of not being "too weird" to...